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Candace Davis

Newsletter Feb 1-7, 2021


>>> Weekly News & Actions <<< February 1 - 7, 2021

The Victory Isn't the Election - It's the legislation.

The filibuster has got to go. It's undemocratic: it empowers the minority to block the will of voters and of the American public, and it will be used by Republicans to block every single progressive priority: As long as the filibuster remains in place, Mitch McConnell (or his successor) will use it to block democracy reforms, climate change legislation and any other progressive priority.

Contact your Senators and tell them to act now to eliminate the filibuster. Talking points are available here. Contact information for your representatives is available on the Indivisible Evanston website here.


Actions we need to take now.

First, read: Our new guide provides a blueprint for saving our democracy (including a timeline for making the most of these crucial first 100 days): Read the new Indivisible Guide. Then: Actions we can take next to enact the kind of structural reforms that will put power in the hands of the people. See details take at the links. 1. Make DC the 51st state, H.R. 51. Take action - make DC a state. 2. Reform and bring balance to the federal courts. Expand the Supreme Court and the lower courts. 3. Eliminate the filibuster. Take action - filibuster. Contact your Senators and tell them to act now to eliminate the filibuster. Talking points are available here. 4. Enact the For the People Act, H.R. 1 -- legislation that would get money out of politics, expand voting rights, combat corruption, secure our elections and more. Take action - enact H.R. 1. 5. Secure the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. H.R. 4, which would restore full protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Take action - enact H.R. 4. Contact your Reps.

Getting it done depends on all of us!


Join us for our first virtual meeting of 2021! Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021, 7 - 9pm This meeting was originally scheduled for Jan 19; it has been rescheduled to Feb 16. All must sign up for this new zoom event to receive the link for Feb 16. Thanks. Read more about Rural Concerns on our website blog


Ezra Levin, a co-founder of the National Indivisible movement was on The Rachel Maddow show last week talking about how grass roots mobilizing was key in stopping Trump and how we must have “progressive discipline” to get stuff done. He emphasized that we cannot rest with this new administration in place. We must exercise “Constituent Power” and focus on our members of congress to hold them accountable and support them in taking action. He said that Trump is a symptom and that we have to address the problems that allowed him to rise. Levin said that legislation will define this era.

"The legacy of this era is going to be determined by the grassroots movement that pushed the elected officials to make that change." - Ezra Levin to The Rachel Maddow Show

We have the power, we have the opportunity, it’s up to us, and the time is now. Let's get to work:

Ezra Levin, Indivisible’s co-leader on Maddow.


During this public health crisis, it's even more important that Americans have meaningful access to quality, affordable health care. The White House has taken action to protect and build on the Affordable Care Act. Read More


Make a plan to vote in Evanston's Municipal Election Mayor - City Clerk - City Council - D65 - D202. Tell family & friends why it’s important to vote in local elections!

In Evanston, in the Mayoral race because there are more than 2 candidates, there is a primary election which is on February 23rd. If a candidate receives 50% of the vote plus 1, they win the election. If no candidate receives over 50% of the vote, the top two candidates will face off in the General Election on April 6th, 2021.


Book Group Is Back! Wednesday, March 3, 7-9 PM

We are excited to kick off our 2021 book club with our first selection, "Nine Days: The Race to Save Martin Luther King Jr.'s Life and Win the 1960 Election" by Stephen Kendrick and Paul Kendrick. We know Paul as the Executive Director of Rust Belt Rising, our parter in the WI and MI Voter Registration Project. When not phone or text banking to register voters, Paul was busy collaborating on this incredible book with his co-author and father, Stephen. We look forward to having both of them join us in discussion on March 3rd!Register for March Book Group Now!Order "Nine Days" from Page 1 Books


FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 AT 7 PM CST National Gun Violence Survivors Week Commemoration and Program Organized by Moms-Demand Action. More Info


Indivisible Evanston Events & Important Dates


  • 8: Early Voting for Evanston Municipal Primary Election

  • 16: IE Monthly Meeting - Understanding Rural Concerns

  • 23: Evanston Primary Election


  • 3: IE Book Group Meeting

  • 30: IE Monthly Meeting - Voter Suppression and Gerrymandering


  • 6: Evanston Municipal General Election



Indivisible Evanston Mission Statement

  • To continue to resist the ongoing threat of Trumpism to our democracy.

  • To ensure Democrats take advantage of their control of the three branches of the federal government to make meaningful, progressive change in our country.

  • To increase the number of progressive legislators in Congress.

We do not expect our members or our allies to agree on all issues, but we invite those who agree progressive change is needed to work together on issues of common concern. We seek to be as inclusive and diverse as possible, and we are committed to non-violence in all our actions.



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