As we face these challenging times we will take action. We will continue and expand our actions to defend our rights, our communities and our values. It is even more important than ever to stay involved. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on actions you can take to make a difference.
Our amazing postcard team has helped to get out the vote by writing postcards to voters in states and districts with important, competitive races. In Spring 2023, we wrote postcards to remind 50,000 Wisconsin voters to head to the polls to protect reproductive freedoms, workers' rights, and voting rights in the state Supreme Court race. And they did! In 2024 we distributed over 500,000 postcards to swing states! There is a key Wisconsin Supreme Court election in April, 2025. Stand by for action.

Many of us were inspired to join Indivisible after the 2016 election and first Women's March in 2017. Since 2017, Indivisible Evanston members have led and participated in many marches, rallies and protests for causes important to us and against the right wing extremism that threatens our progressive values. Make sure you are signed up for our newsletter and email mailing list, so you will to be the first to be notified about any upcoming rallies, marches or protests here in Evanston or in Chicago.

Registering voters is a big part of our activism. From 2017-2019, we registered voters in person. Due to Covid-19, we took our voter registration online, contacting 200,00 voters by phone and text in 2020. In 2022 we registered voters in person and online in Illinois Wisconsin and in Illinois to make sure they ready to go to the polls for the November Midterm Election. In 2023, we registered voters in person and online ahead of the Wisconsin spring election and important Supreme Court race. In 2024 we expanded our voter registration activities and will continue to do so in 2025. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest updates on our in-person voter registration events!
Join us to help TOTV (Text Out The Vote) for important elections! The Indivisible Chicago Alliance Texting Team reached hundreds of thousands of voters in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia in 2020 & 2022 to make sure they had a plan and everything they needed to vote for Democrats. In 2023, we texted for the Wisconsin Supreme Court election and helped lead to a historic turnout and progressive victory! In 2024 we sent millions of texts to voters. Their margin of victory was small. Every action matters! Sign up for our newsletter to hear about upcoming texting campaigns.

One of the important ways that Indivisible volunteers connect with voters is through door-to-door canvassing and in-person conversations. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified about canvassing opportunities in local suburbs and in neighboring swing states. Training is available!

Represent Indivisible Evanston when you're taking action or just out & about by wearing one of our t-shirts or hoodies! '
You can customize your shirt style, size and color (even baby onesies!), and also purchase all sorts of other official merchandise from our online shop.
It will be shipped right to your door!