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Candace Davis

Indivisible Evanston's Rural Outreach: Get Involved!

Updated: Mar 2, 2021

Join The Indivisible Rural Illinois Group

Here’s how: Sign up to be added to listserv, FB group, Twitter & Slack

Attend biweekly virtual meetings on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.

Sign up for Zoom meetings HERE

Purpose of Indivisible Rural Illinois

The purpose of this group is to support each other as we go forward following the 2020 general election. It is clear that there is a sharp political divide between rural and suburban/urban Illinois. This has been true for a long time but there are many progressives living in rural areas.

Our project is two fold: One, strategizing on how we can find like minded progressives in our communities. And, second, how to work toward informing our neighbors about what progressive agenda really is.

Saturdays: Indivisible Rural Illinois Phone Banks

  • H.R. 1 (For the People Act) is one of the cornerstones of the necessary reforms we need to unrig our democracy and make it work for all. H.R. 1 includes the following: Voter empowerment and access, getting money out of politics, establishing independent redistricting commissions in all states, and so much more.

  • We will be calling our neighbors in Illinois' 16th Congressional District, asking them to contact Rep. Adam Kinzinger to support H.R. 1.

  • SIGN UP for Saturday Democracy Reform Phonebank to IL16

Attend Indivisible National Rural Caucus Calls

Here’s how...

Once a month, rural Indivisibles and organizers all over the country join together to troubleshoot problems and celebrate successes; receive rural-specific information and trainings to benefit rural advocacy; and learn how National Indivisible is supporting rural organizing across the country!

Register for Zoom meeting (last WED of every month): Here

Over 161 rural organizers across 40 states joined our inaugural 2021 kick off call last week!

January Kickoff Meeting Recap:

  • See slide deck here. Over 161 rural organizers across 40 states joined our inaugural 2021 kick off call.

  • Martha Shockey, Georgia Indivisible extraordinaire, discussed the impact of rural organizing in the Georgia races.

  • Ann Clancy, our Senior Manager for Climate Policy, highlighted the work ahead and its intersection with rural communities Shouted out rural Indivisibles in Washington for their organizing efforts on a public broadband bill that would support rural communities!

Selected Resources



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