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Updated: Mar 30


We wanted to provide some guidance on organizations that our research shows most effectively put progressive donations to work where it counts.

The First Group of organizations do the work of finding effective grass roots organizations to support and recommend.  Following that, we have listed some grass roots groups that have been noted as being especially effective. 

Organizations Guiding Voters on Where to Give Effectively  



RECENTLY ADDED:  Accelerate Change 

They increase civic engagement with Black, Indigenous and people of color and low-income communities through digital media and influencers. 

Blue Tent 

To help Democrat and progressive donors give with maximum impact to advance change, we seek to identify opportunities to make an impact in specific areas—using both philanthropic and electoral funds. Our strategy briefs outline key approaches to support and spotlight key organizations that donors should know about.

Focus For Democracy 

We apply rigorous, metrics-based research to recommend programs that will have the highest impact for each dollar spent. Our strategic analysis and evaluation allow you to feel confident about where your contributions will be most effective.

Force Multiplier

Force Multiplier helps your dollars make change We are an all volunteer fundraising group that has raised almost $17 millionfrom a community of over 14,000 donors that has grown nation-wide since 2017.Our focus is on winning Democratic majorities in the House + Senate + supporting voter empowerment groups who work to strengthen our democracy. We do the research  so you don’t have to. (recommend supporting Eric Sorenson in Il (Dist 17) and Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin

Recently Added:  Galvanize


Very successful digital messaging to persuadable women. 

Partners for Democracy 

P4D is an informal working group that identifies and vets grassroots organizations working to get out liberal and progressive votes in swing states. The group identifies grass roots group for you to donate to directly 

RECENTLY ADDED:  Accelerate Change 

They increase civic engagement with Black, Indigenous and people of color and low-income communities through digital media and influencers. 

Movement Voter Project 

MVP empowers communities through strategic funding of grass roots organizing. MVP identifies, vets and trains effective community-based organizations and invests in them so they can build networks and thrive for the long-term.  

States Project

The States Project connects the importance of state legislatures to every aspect of our lives and brings together communities to help build a healthy, sustainable, and prosperous future for all.

Our electoral work focuses on winning governing majorities in the states by making state legislative campaigns more effective and better-funded. Our policy work provides nonpartisan tools and resources that connect a diverse community of state lawmakers committed to improving lives for the people they serve.

We do it because we believe that state legislatures are the strongest force for change in this country.

They support the creation of a giving circle to identify and fund state campaigns.  They also identify local state campaign where giving can make a difference (i.e. 5 Michigan local candidates

Flip the Vote 

Flip the Vote provides a way for people who care about democracy and civil rights to channel hope and fear about upcoming elections into meaningful action.  They make strategic recommendations based on careful research about where and how to invest in winning critical elections. [In Wisconsin they recommend BLOC]

They help people sponsor house parties  to engage and activate their friends and family around their strategic recommendations.

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