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Candace Davis

March 2022 Meeting: Win BIG and BLUE in '22: How We'll Do It Again!

Want to Win BIG and BLUE in '22? Then sign up for our meeting on March 8th! We've done it twice before in 2018 and 2020 ... find out how we'll do it again this November!

Registration is required and meetings will continue to be on Zoom until further notice.

Featuring Speakers From:

  • Democratic Party of Wisconsin: Voter Protection and Field Organizers

  • Rust Belt Rising Voter Registration

  • IE Leadership Team

Upcoming Meetings & Topics

Join us for our Indivisible Evanston monthly meetings, featuring a diverse group of speakers addressing topics that educate and inspire us to continue our organizing and activism as we prepare for the 2022 Midterms.

April 12: Intergenerational Meeting with Indivisible NU and other youth organizations May 24: TBD June 21: TBD July 19: TBD August 16: TBD Sept 13: TBD Oct 11: One Month To Win! Nov 8: Midterms Election Watch Dec 6: Holiday Party!

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