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Newsletter: April 27-May 3, 2020

Dear Evanston Indivisibles,

We hope this newsletter finds you safe, healthy, and well, and that you're able to care for and be cared for by loved ones in person or virtually.

We are so grateful to all of our volunteers for everything you are doing to support our work!

New/timely/urgent actions this week (please see details for these actions and many others below):

1. Indivisible Evanston Book ClubApril 29 | 7-9 PM on ZOOM

2.Help Tricia Zunker win the May 12 race in WI's Congressional District 7 while also keeping WI voters safe by providing information on absentee ballot - Phone Bank!

3.Donate to BLOC-  Black Leaders Organizing for Communities in Milwaukee

4.Take the Indivisible 2020 Pledge and rally behind the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

As they do for us, we hope that all of our At Home Actions help give you a sense of hope and purpose during this pandemic.

Be well and stay safe.

In solidarity and resistance,

Indivisible Evanston Leadership Team

Kathleen, Laura, Leslye, Rosie, Steve and Susan



Recommended Coronavirus and COVID-19 Resources:

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